About Us

The Harmony Belles is a group of amazing and talented singers who are directed by Artie Dolt. He has been involved with chorus singing for over 50 Years with various music groups. His depth of knowledge and passion for the craft is unmatched.

Currently he is directing both the Men’s Chorus “Friends in Harmony” and the Women’s Chorus “The Harmony Belles” and just does such an amazing job. It is free to join with no experience necessary or auditions required. Currently the Men meet on Mondays, while the Women meet on Thursdays.  If you have a passion for music and singing, please come visit us and bring friends. The more, the merrier!

“My “Friends In Harmony” and “Harmony Belles” choruses don’t just make beautiful music together. They have each established a culture that has resulted in the forming of many treasured friendships, and both choruses continue to provide numerous opportunities for our singers to create lasting, and precious, memories!”

Our History

Passion for Singing

Our chorus was organized in August of 2018 by a small group of veteran harmony singers and a
handful of women new to the hobby. Our goal was to fill a void in San Antonio area by providing
an opportunity for an inclusive group of women to share in the joy of singing four-part a capella
harmony… but with a strong emphasis on establishing a welcoming culture of fellowship and FUN.

Since our first rehearsal on August 16th, with an enthusiastic group of nineteen singers, we have
quickly grown into an eclectic sisterhood of women of all ages who have embraced the concept that making beautiful music with an ever-growing circle of friends is, indeed, a delightful and fulfilling experience.

Friends in Harmony: Mon 6:45pm

The Harmony Belles: Thur 6:45pm

Come and join us for some fun, singing and friendship!

Click the Map to get Directions and Join Us!


 Have Questions? 

Contact Us

Vision Statement

The Harmony Belles aspire to attain, and maintain, a membership of over 100 singers who will touch the lives of audiences by giving performances throughout San Antonio and our neighboring South Texas communities. More importantly, we hope to build strong bonds of friendship within the group as we enjoy the camaraderie found through participation in the “barbershop experience.”



